Samsung launched the Galaxy S9 Tab series at its Galaxy Unpacked event today which took place in Seoul, South Korea. The tablet series includes Galaxy Tab S9, Galaxy Tab S9+ and Galaxy Tab S9 Ultra. The highlights of the three tablets include Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chipset, support for S Pen, and IP68 rating for water and dust resistance.
Samsung has ensured you get a crisp viewing experience on any Galaxy Tab S9 series tablet you buy since all of them feature 2K AMOLED displays this time around. You also get the fastest Qualcomm processor on the market right now.
The new Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 series comes with a starting price of $799 (roughly Rs 65,540) in the USA, and the pre-orders have already begun.
While in India Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 comes in two storage variants and is launched at a starting price of Rs 72,999. Galaxy Tab S9+, on the other hand, comes at a starting price of Rs 90,999. The Galaxy Tab S9 Ultra is launched at a starting price of Rs 1,08,999.
While in upcoming days Samsung will also be bundling an S Pen, unlike some of the companies that ask you to spend extra in order to have one.