On Tuesday, the Competition Commission fined Google 936.44 crore for abusing its dominant position about Play Store regulations and ordered the corporation to stop engaging in unethical business activities. The CCI fined Google 1,337 crore last week on Friday for "abusing dominant position in numerous marketplaces in the Android mobile device ecosystem."
In response, a Google spokesperson on Wednesday said, "we remain committed to our users and developers and are reviewing the decision to evaluate the next steps," according to a tweet.
This is Google's second significant CCI decision against it in less than a week. On October 20, the watchdog fined the corporation 1,337.76 crores for abusing its position as the market leader and ordered the internet giant to stop engaging in a number of unethical business practices.
Google's spokesperson added, "Indian developers have benefited from tech, security, consumer protections & unrivalled choice and flexibility that Android & Google Play provide. By keeping costs low, our model powered India's digital transformation and expanded access for hundreds of millions of Indians."
"Android has created more choices for everyone and supports thousands of successful businesses in India and around the world. The CCI's decision is a major setback for Indian consumers and businesses, opening serious security risks for Indians who trust Android's security features and raising the cost of mobile devices for Indians. We will review the decision to evaluate the next steps," a Google spokesperson said on Friday.